Homicide Lawyer in Luzerne County
Serving Lackawanna, Monroe, Columbia, Wyoming, Susquehanna, Schuylkill, Carbon, Pike & Wayne Counties
When a person faces homicide charges, it’s not to much to say their life is hanging in the balance. Convictions for homicide, even the death is understood to be unintentional, can result in lengthy prison sentences. In certain cases, the state of Pennsylvania can even apply death penalty. It’s imperative that defendants put a tough, savvy, and experienced Luzerne County homicide lawyer in their corner.
For over 20 years, Abraham Law has fought for defendants. We know people can be falsely accused and we believe in our clients, in the American judicial system, and in the power of second chances.
Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation at (570) 762-9988 or reach out here online for a free consultation. Serving the counties of Luzerne, Monroe, Lackawanna, Columbia, and beyond.
Two Different Kinds of Homicide Charges
Homicide is the broader umbrella term that encompasses two different types of charges—murder and manslaughter. Both are serious criminal offenses that involve the death of another human being, but there are important distinctions between them.
Murder is an intentional killing, while manslaughter is an unintentional killing. Manslaughter is further broken two into distinct categories. Voluntary manslaughter is when the act of murder is committed in either the heat of passion, or in the defense of oneself or others. Involuntary manslaughter is when a death occurs due to recklessness or negligence.
In order to be convicted of murder, it must be proven that the accused had intent to kill or cause serious harm. Manslaughter convictions require proof that the accused acted recklessly or negligently in causing the death. In some cases, defendants may be charged with both murder and manslaughter if there is evidence of intent to kill but also evidence of reckless behavior leading up to the death.
Murder convictions carry much harsher penalties than manslaughter does due to its greater level of intent.
Let the Law Office of William I. Abraham lead the fight for your life and freedom. Our Luzerne County homicide attorney can be reached by either calling (570) 762-9988 or through filling out our online contact form. Free consultations available.

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Penalties for Murder in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania classifies murder charges three different ways, based on the level of forethought that went into the crime and other circumstances, such as whether another crime was being committed at the same time.
For both first-degree and second-degree murder, there is a mandatory minimum sentence in Pennsylvania of life in prison with no chance for parole. In the case of first-degree murder, the death penalty is on the table. A conviction on third-degree murder charges can still result in a prison sentence as long as 40 years.
Penalties for Manslaughter in Pennsylvania
Voluntary manslaughter can see the prison sentence go for as long as 20 years. For involuntary manslaughter, a sentence will typically be anywhere from 5 to 10 years in prison. It is worth noting that a common example of involuntary manslaughter are cases involving reckless driving and DUI. The state of Pennsylvania has a separate category, vehicular manslaughter, for cases like these. In the event of conviction, the defendant could face up to 10 years in prison. If the driver was intoxicated, there will be a minimum sentence of three years behind bars.